Student Life Communications and Marketing (SL Comm) received one first-place award and three third-place awards in this year's ACUI Steal This Idea annual marketing and design competition. Judges reviewed 345 entries submitted into 16 categories.
ACUI is the professional home to thousands of campus community builders worldwide, primarily focused on the work of those within the college unions and student activities field. The Steal This Idea competition includes categories for professional and student work.
Promotional Products (Professional)
First: University of Delaware; Egg Promotional Products; Abby Phillips
Digital Campaigns (Professional)
Third: University of Delaware; Finals Week Coffee; Kirk Smith
Signs/Banners (Professional)
Third: University of Delaware; Mental Health Walk Yard Signs; Ivan Avila
Multi-Page Publications (Professional)
Third: University of Delaware; Path To Eggcellence Booklet; Abby Phillips

Award Winning Projects

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